In October 2021, Chrisbert Consult was hired by Oxfam IBIS as a learning Partner to provide support towards National Education Coalitions (NECs) in development of Project Proposals.
The assignment focused on supporting NECs to develop high quality proposals for funding through the Education Out Loud programme of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
The Learning Partner’s mandate was to provide support to seven National Education Coalitions (NECs). These include; the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI), Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC), Forum for Education NGOs in Uganda (FENU), Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN), Swaziland Network Campaign on Education for All (SWANCEFA), Civil society education coalition (CSEC)-Malawi and Civil Society Action Coalition On Education For All (CSACEFA)- Nigeria.
Our Support was greatly appreciated by both the Coalitions and OXFAM IBIS the client.
The proposals for the seven coalitions that supported all qualified for funding from Global Partnership for Education (GPE).