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Performance Enhancement of Doho I Irrigation Scheme

The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct functional analysis & review of the Management and Performance of Doho 1 Irrigation Scheme in order to identify a framework for better management of the scheme. Emphasis will be placed on a management system that achieves; collective decision making, consensus building, effective participation of all farmers, efficient water governance, conflict resolution as well as effective financial mobilisation and management. This will be achieved through an implementation Farmer Based Management Model that was approved by all key stakeholders at National Level. The model will introduce one key institution at the scheme i.e. an Irrigation Water User Association (Off-Farm) and revitalise another one i.e. a Co-operative Society (on-Farm) with support from line ministries

The specific objectives of the assignment include to

  • Do a functional analysis of the performance and management of the Irrigation Scheme and undertake a review of performance and management contract documents.
  • Promote awareness raising, mobilization and sensitization of farmers and all stakeholders through engagement and participation in the operation and maintenance of the scheme.
  • Put in place an appropriate Farmer Based Management system to revitalize the current organizations, and institutional arrangement for effective management, monitoring and regulation to foster sustainable and viable commercial irrigation service.
  • Establish and develop the capacity of stakeholders to ensure functional, effective, efficient, viable and networked Farmer based institutions that are created to manage, operate and maintain the Irrigation Scheme.
  • Train and develop the capacity of farmers in Participatory Irrigation Water Management..

As per Terms of Reference, the following are the deliverables and timelines for the assignment;

Deliverables Months Cumulative
Inception Report 1 1
Situational Analysis Report 4 5
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Report 10 15
Farmer Based Management Organizational & Institutional Establishment Report 12 27
Capacity Development, Training & Participatory Irrigation Water Management Report 15 42
Final Report 6 42

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